explore big d(fw) is a collection of photos from around the dallas/fort-worth metroplex. shot on aimless saturday drives, leisurely sunday strolls and weekday adventures, the scenes captured here are personally intriguing signs of life, art, culture, and a distinctively north texan identity.
ranging from the most obscure locations and textures to the area's most recognizable icons, these photos are makeshift postcards from local exploration.
this collaborative effort aims to encourage folks to leave the living room and discover new and interesting places in the metroplex. even if you've driven down lover's lane 200 times, or you've seen deep ellum during good times and bad times, there are still sites unseen. since these images are taken from diverse vantage points and different perspectives, every site is ripe with personal meaning.
behind every viewfinder is an individual with a unique perception of what is beautiful and intriguing. when these perspectives mingle, when we start to see the allure through the eyes of another, we can begin to define and navigate a collective cultural terrain.
google street-view ain't got nothin' on us.
go explore. (re)discover big d(fw).
the rules are simple:
1. find beauty in the metroplex. 2. take a picture. 3. remember the location.
to be a part of explore big d(fw), please shoot me an email.
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